Discover the Real Song from the Angels

I wanted to post the English version of this song as I had said before this man named, Nikos had a vision in his dream one night where he saw and communicated with Jesus and the angels where singing this song so nikos wrote this song with tears in his eyes upon awaking and states this is what the angels sung and he knew he was supposed to share it with the world! When nikos sang it for the first time, people around him started to weep, some fell to their knees, others vomited and purged demons from their bodies. You must turn this up and play it in its entirety as I have played it more than a dozen times and could feel the power flowing through me with currents of electricity and tears! The first time I played it and maybe even into the second time it was so powerful, I felt a slight bit of nausea myself! I never tire of hearing it as it is the most profound way to glorify our savior sung by the angels themselves! πŸ™ ✝️ I know in life people will question, not believe nor think these things happen well I can attest yes a sinner like me, like you, any of us can have these experiences if we tell Jesus we love him and truly mean it with total surrender and following the gospel. The reason I keep posting on here is that Jesus IS REAL, I can attest that it’s ALL REAL! I know I have felt the presence of God many times since my transformation it can be subtle or profound, but if you ask, HE WILL MANIFEST! And when hit with disbelief from others or shunned, or I am sure a topic of gossip, all I can say, is I REJOICE because I never had this unexplained peace and joy that is beyond human comprehension and my goal is to help others believe and find Jesus too!! If it happened to me, it can happen to you!!

I know the power of dreams, visions, and being fully awake and experiencing God’s presence! I plan on telling of the many encounters with God that i have been fortunate to experience, but it will take some downtime for me away from work to dive into this the way it deserves to be written. But before I end this, let me share a tad bit! When I made the decision to find God again I went to confession first and in the confessional I felt a overwhelming pain upon releasing my sins to the point I wept uncontrollably and when I left it took a few days to feel relief! I knew it would be a journey and wouldn’t happen over night so in the beginning as I was transforming I was in a very light dream one night and I don’t want to say slightly conscious but I definitely was not in REM sleep. Anyway,Β  for a split second, i witnessed my own sins visually and was told to shut up, I was told to, and I remember it loudly,” Shut up, Nichole!” As I heard this I was lying in my actual room, in my actual bed and I started to hear the hissing of a snake, it gives me chills as it did when I heard it, I promise it’s something you never want to hear! So out of the cornor of my right eye, a large black wing creature was spreading out his wings in slow motion and, at the same time, was arising on my side of the bed slowly! Immediately, i sat straight up. It must have been God who woke me as I’d be a tad concerned of that black wing creature and I engaging any further. When i sat up, i was very alarmed and fully awake and fully aware of what I just experienced! I knew at that moment the devil himself was taunting me in spiritual warfare this was in the beginning of my transformation. Now, I did talk to my priest briefly, who was in agreement that spiritual warfare was what I experienced because the devil will try to keep his reigns on you by using whatever methods he can. Now fast forwarding to months and months later as right before Christmas eve I had another spiritual encounter but a beautiful blessed one that i will forever remember and still makes me smile and burst with joy when i think about it which happens to be daily! This very beautiful profound experience was months after confessioning, total surrendering, and spending everyday glorifying God and Jesus, not missing mass and making prayer an everyday day thing almost an every moment thing as I listen daily to christian rock and try to pray the rosary but mostly I made lifestyle changes and committed my life to serving and living accordingly to God’s word! I use to think about Jesus a lot, but now it’s all day every day and basically every moment. As these months went on, I began to understand the bible in ways I never did they where no longer mere words. I understand the gospel each mass as if God is profoundly speaking directly to me, and in all honesty, he was! In December I was fully awake at approximately 3 am and for 20 minutes or so I was speaking to Jesus with full intention and a heart so full of love for him I could feel it bursting and overflowing with a yearning to see and hug him. Now, I always felt this way but not to the point of tears and not in total surrender. See to totally surrender to God your putting your life, meaning every aspect into his hands and letting him lead. Your giving God complete control of your life and path and also not valuing pride, or money, or possessions as they are not of walking totally in the light nor are they part of surrendering yourself to his will for your life! I also talk a lot to Jesus at these times when I wake but however this one particular night, as I stated alove theΒ  yearning to tell Jesus how much I loved him and how much I would love to hug him was the beginning of receiving the most precious gift the, “Holy Spirit!” I have learned that to totally receive the Holy Spirit, you must be reborn again, reborn in Christ.Which again, as I mentioned above , is total surrender acknowledging thay he is the son of God, that he did die on the cross and he did rise again also loving him by following his commandments! For Jesus said, my sheep hear me and I know there name! In short, I have learned that being Christian isn’t just by saying that you love God or going to church. Many Christians do this, but they live in sin and they don’t follow the commandments i know i was one of them! And many of us are full of pride and gossip and  value money and possessions more than God! I have learned, and as the word of God says, you can not serve two masters God and money. So surrendering means devaluing all of the above! Anyway, getting back to that night as I stated above, while lying there, fully awake about 20 minutes into expressing my love for Jesus. I remember feeling a weight upon my chest, pressing me down, so I couldn’t move, and at the same time, I felt electricity flowing through my body from my head to my toes. It wasn’t scary, just very overwhelming. At the same time, I could not open my eyes. It was as if they were fluttering, fluttering at a very fast speed. I had lost total control of my body but in the best way possible. It only lasted about 30 seconds.Β  With a bit of taking my breath away, the power i mean the beautiful heavenly power I knew immediately what had happened.There was no fear there was breathtaking awe and gratitude. I had gotten what I asked for I had gotten to hug Jesus. I got to feel the presence of God.And theyΒ  gifted me with the Holy Spirit! Since this experience, I have forgiven in ways I thought would never be possible, I have humility beyond my own comprehension, I no longer worry about money, pride, possessions such as house or cars, I don’t engage in gossip, I have compassion and gratitude, and when storms in life arise I no longer drown in them I glide over the waves no matter how many come. Sins of the flesh are a thing of the past. People don’t realize what sins of the flesh actually are. They are not mere adultery, they are lust, pornography, fornication, idolatry, selfish ambitions, hatred and so on…I never knew that pride was a sin! I do now and I know the seriousness of it! I use to have pride. However, the closer I got to God, pride was a mere thing of the past that I can no longer relate to.

I will end with this for those who personally know me and others who have followed me for years on this blog (like Nikos) you have nothing to lose by believing in these testimonies and everything to gain, so if your touched by Nikos song or by my experience start searching for Jesus whether its for the first time or again! It will save your soul, and will bring to you profound peace and salvation!!

I will touch more on my journey as I can, but life is so beautiful to me with these new set of eyes! The things I value now are nothing of the past! I’d rather work less, have less, and live life to the fullest!! I never want to work my life away, I never want a million dollar home, I want nature, the love of those in my life that surrounds me, all the precious moments I experience now and my precious time adoring where my heart is drawn to Jesus my lord and savior!!

Padre Pio Received This Message From Jesus Right Before He Died

My favorite saint, “Padro Pio” whom interacted with Jesus and bore the stimagata for 50 years as a sign to the world of the existence of Jesus and his crucifixion! This most beloved saint passed in 1968, but his story is absolutely incredible, and with the other fathers that lived amoung padro pio, their story tells of proof of Jesus and his passion to help save us!! ❀️ I love this saint so much I went to his shrine with ron and bought his actual statue and it is in our 🏑 along with the rosary in his hand that touched his relic of the stigmata on a cloth that bore the wounds of the crucifixion ✝️
This video is very informative and interesting as this beautiful saint only passed in 1968!


NASA is not a religious site and this women as well as my son who sent this to me did a fact check! I don’t need proof as I HAVE ALWAYS BELIEVED! However, with NASA not being a quote on quote religious site I hope to maybe make someone out there think whom questions their faith or doesn’t believe all together! Fact check it yourself! Christ was born, he in fact healed people , he in fact was crucified and rose again! HE IS THE TRUTH, THE WAY, AND THE LIFE, WHOM EVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE ✝️

I hope to write a blog post soon on my encounters with Jesus in the upcoming months from my own personal experiences through my life, starting at age 5! Remember he came here to save sinners and he has saved me!! ✝️😍

Happy Holy Saturday βœοΈ

Happy Holy Saturday ✝️
Made my famous Mac and cheese for tomorrow to bring to my son’s for Easter! 🐣 Since this is a first that I don’t have to make the whole dinner feast, I still had the request of my famous Mac and cheese! As I cooked this early this morning πŸŒ„ I felt such joy and peace! ❀️
My thoughts today are focusing on precious moments that God has given me, with inflation and everything increasingΒ  on a daily basis its very hard today to focus on moments for everyone, the world today is more self and me, and sadly without gratitude! While most are trying to survive, prayer and finding Jesus, making him your sole focus is of  utmost importance as it will ground you and strengthen you! For me since finding Jesus again my focus went from wealth to humility πŸ™ and he replaced stress that i had in my life for many, many years from poor choices and decisions also unfortunate circumstances to joy and understanding, patience and gratitude! Something I hadn’t been able to do for quite some time,  because like everyone else, i was walking in the wordly fashion state of mind, mostly due to trauma i had endured during my lifetime! Some of us get thrown a lot of lemons in our life, and we can choose to remain sour or make lemonade! Today, so many focus on houses, cars, possessions, as for me the world can have all that, I dance in this joy I have been given, and there is not one house nor car nor a million dollars that could ever replace this peace and joy!! Sometimes, we work so hard for things that are of this world that we do not see what’s most important, and THAT’S JESUS!

THE πŒπŽπŒπ„ππ“ They Realized They Killed The Son of God | The Passion Of The…

This is a very sad day for Catholics and Christians ✝️ 😒 Thank you, Jesus, for all you have done for us who are unworthy of your sacrifice! The pain you endure is so  inhumane and beyond comprehension, yet the world still does not worship or believe! I pray that one day all will seek you, because in the end, just like when you were crucified, ALL WILL COME TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD!!

The Bible PREVIEW — The Last Supper


I am so looking forward to mass today, Happy Holy Thursday!



Look at the world around us and whats unfolding! Anyone can see that the world is not the same, and that everything the bible depicted is coming true right before our eyes! This world is so filled with, Anger, Pride, Greed, Animosity, Vengeance, Gossip, Hatred, Wrath, Rage, Deciet, Blasphemy, Hypocrites, Immortality, Lust, Idolatry,Envy, The Occult!

Everyone is about self, slander, possessions, and revenge, immorality, and hatred all inspired by Satan himself. Families are in destruction too, satan is good at destroying them as well as marriages! If you read on satan he divides destroys ! But people filled with the aboveΒ Β  things starting with self and pride and hostility and grudges and greed as well as condemning are NOT of Christ as Christ is about humility, modesty, meakness, humbleness, gentleness, forgiveness, kindness, gratitude, and generosity!

I am so glad I found my way home to Jesus, before it was too late, as the Bible is unfolding according to the book of revelations. I was thinking about this early this morning on my way to work and then others also posted on social media platforms stating the same as the world is in crisis and the second coming of Jesus is ahead! God’s time is not our time so whether we are 2 days away, 2 years away, or 100 years away, Christians know it’s coming! It’s not to late yet but it can be at any moment! Repent, Surrender, Transform, Give your self, life, and everything you have to God! Trust me you will reagin a new lease on life it will be of peace, joy, and serenity, also a new heightened sense of awareness, and you will be filled with gratitude and love, and compassion ❀️ βœοΈπŸ™ Your soul is counting on you, damnantion is not a myth!

The Beauty In God’s Words And His Creations πŸ™βœοΈ

As I sit outside my humble home on this brisk February Day, the sun, in its illumination, is notably striking and warm, making the brisk breeze like a gentle kiss upon the face. As I sit and feed my little backyard friends, I close my eyes and rest my face in the direction of the 🌞. It’s is here I talk and feel the presence of God! I feel the peace and joy and serenity I have longed for my whole life! Sometimes, I have days where God’s presence is so strong I hardly can contain myself with love and joy! A love and joy you want to share and spread as it’s an amazing feeling of euphoria, heavens euphoria! One taste of it I promise your hooked and longing it for it every second of every day and myself I can only imagine  how the love and joy will be magnified by thousands or billions or trillions in Heaven! I have felt only an ounce and I am without words by the mere thought of that kind of love and peace!

In my life surrendering and turning to God and Jesus has granted me the blessing of the Holy Spirit whom has removed from me all anger, resentment, judgements, pride, and has replaced them with forgiveness, love, humility, kindness and gratitude.Β Don’t fall for the worlds false promises and possessions, resulting in greed, criticism, slander, hatred, rage, immortality, and pride. God never came here for the righteous I mean look at the apostles they where some of the biggest sinners from prostitutes to tax collectors so if they where his twelve why couldn’t any sinner with far less sins be one of his chosen? In fact if you notice it’s the sinners whom turn there lives around and present to the world avanaglizeing and while some may say wait how can that be, well, look at apostles and there lives, there unity with our savior, there ministry, and there faithfulness until the end! No one can call anyone a sinner as we all sin! Jesus said himself, “Those who are without sin cast the first stone,” and yet no one could because we all sin! Anothor one, Judgment, Jesus said,” Judge and God will Judge you the same.” And what did Jesus say about someone whom gossips or slander the reputation of anothor, ” The one who conceals hatred has lying lips and whoever mouths slander is a fool”! Pride is another big one, God hates pride. In fact, when pride comes, it’s disgraced and humility is wisdom! How i have learned so much!

If I can tell the world one thing it’s that life is short, forgive, love, be humble, and hold no grudge nor animosity But mostly turn to God, surrender, pray, repent, and once you do all of the above it will come naturally as its the Spirit whom will guide your every step!! β™₯️  And this will bring you like it did for me to salvation!!

WALK AWAY – Best Inspirational & Motivational Speech | Steve Harvey & Jo…

This is very powerful! It’s a true testament that God can and will close doors for your own good and the good of the direction he is taking you in your life if you’re not able or struggling with something! God knows what’s in your best interest even when you yourself know the truth and still struggle, allowing your heart and hopes to undermind what your intelligence and wisdom already know! Sometimes, the will of the heart is stronger than the mind, but the mind already knows, and the heart does not listen in hopes that things work out for the better! God knows all, and he sees things you do not see and has heard conversations you did not. He knows man’s intentions, good or evil!

God will remove people for you who don’t have your best interest at heart! Sometimes, we want things that are not good for us, and God knows he has to take over! When you have faith and trust in him, he will remove those that have illwil against you or may harm you! Those that speak all evil against you in gossip, slander, criticism, and judgment! Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, so to speak! God will close the doors even if it’s painful for you! See, the devil has a way of spewing venom in those who do not walk in the light of God usually they are the ones spewing the most hate, rage, animosity and there agenda is to deter the good in someone as if to try to drag them back down into the pit of fire with them!Β  People do not like when someone changes for the better and neglect the fact that they do not know the person anymore they either havent been around for years or havent truly listened to what the changes are that have taken place. Just because you remember who a person use to be DOES NOT MEAN YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE NOW! People that walk in the light many former sinners change their trajectory unbeknownst to former people in there life, these people whom cast there stones amd raise there rods have no idea the paths and changes that have taken place in those whom are being guided by the light and all the while there so enraged in there demons that spew there poison so viotile hoping to dim the light of someone else. People who follow the light do not become argumentative, nor spew back the same evil or try to get even, instead they feel sad and worry about the soul and heart of those so inflicted by Satan’s wrath! His foothold is strong on those whom do not believe or practice its scary while I continue to feel forgiveness and practice humility and I pray for those I love that they too find and trust God and follow the light and love and peace he so generously graces you with!! Whether people believe you or not or think you hypocritical from your past or think your a Holier then though so to speak person do not let that spawn a web catching you in the same entanglement they are intertwined with! People like to see others suffer or fail when they are scared or not understanding of who and what the person who has given their life to Christ has done or changed or endured. But I will end with this, those who do and spew such evil words and acts are merely scared inside of there own decisions in life and reflections as it truly reflects their heart, souls and there OWN sins. For me, I wish love to lose who bound me in evil thoughts, and I honestly pray for them every single moment i can because what I feel I want those whom I really love to feel it too!! These are not words and whether someone believes me or not that is not my concern nor problem as I will continue on the path I have so accepted and will always be there with open arms for those in my life i so fondly love!!

Walk in his light it’s such an easier path!!