My divorce will be FINALLY finalized this morning…watch out world πŸ˜‰ I am FREE!! My mind has been cluttered for months those who know my story understand the chaos and stress and misunderstandings…I got a sparkle in my GREENISH blue eyes ..FOCUSED! MYSTICAL Sparkling that is!!

Today its about Forgiveness moving on and Getting what you want! FORGET THE PAST IF YOU WANT IT …GET IT!


Author: glitzyritzymommy

Hi my name is nikki my nickname is sparkles. I am a glitzy fun loving mother of three wonderful children and a glammy mom-mom to three beautiful grandbabies. My life and heart are full! My daddy is still my world! My education is a certified medical assistant and i love the color pink my favorite holidays are Halloween, 4th of July, Christmas. I love God and life! These are the hardest years and the best years i just want to live life to the fullest! :)

75 thoughts on “I AM FREE! πŸ’‹”

  1. Reblogged this on Notes and commented:
    We are always free no matter how much these shallow and hideous individuals come close to us with lofty and empty promises i.e. “I will never leave you”. Actually these twisted individuals are prisoners of their own selfish needs, greed and twisted beliefs. Its they who need freedom, not us. And they need our pity, not any sort of freedom from us. They actually leech off all of us i..e society, state and every true/sincere individual out there. Let’s recognize their loser existence around us and keep on exposing their lies, deceits by still affording their mental health treatments of all sorts. None of their lies can go that long, hence let’s keep our eyes and ears open for any such new arrivals in our lives. Our sincere, believing and positive selves will however continue suffering in the hands of such twisted individuals since they are aplenty in shapes and forms of all kinds i.e. friends, family, neighbors, etc. Knowingly I sometimes give such losers a tat bit of margin until I they reach the boundaries I have set around myself. Healthy boundaries will help you guard your precious heart and soul from such hideous and shallow individuals. Cheers to their freedom from empty promises to be by our sides forever. We, however, were, are and always will be free πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amir i have made too many mistakes …I fall for narcissistic men who manipulate and lie to get what they want..I have a big heart that’s a tool to evil people …but I also know evil always loses and goodness will prevail and I truly love and my heart is genuine whole not perfect I am full of love and life and ready to live not exist…happiness is right there waiting goodbye to the hell i have been under …hello world 🌎 ☺ πŸ€— kisses love

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Beautifully uttered words of wisdom! πŸ™‚ Stay that beautiful and let these frogs continue to kiss you goodbyes until love finds you for good.

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      2. Love this amir!! Yes the last few years dating back to 2012 a toad …now that toad is with another toad sitting on the leaf of a stinky pond ..I left the toad the toad settled me never again as I await the princess lol

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I need colorful rainbows and a million happy days free of stress love …LHAK email me that definition lmao 🀣 I know I am terrible with emails I saw that you left me one I promise to get to it tomorrow on my 12 hour shift ..hugs and kisses and love πŸ’œβ€πŸ’‹

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      2. Well, Angel I think you’ve heard it a few times in the past! Ha! Let the rainbows begin and your gratitude and happiness rule your days, Love!! You are well on your way to a life filled with Happiness – gratitude breed happiness. Hope you had a great day. No worries on the emails, Dearest!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations, Angel!! I am so thrilled for you!! You finally got your wings back!!! You surely deserve to have your life back and have it be even sweeter and better than before!!! More appreciated for sure!!!
    Dreams come true! Life has a better plan for you, Sweet Nikki!!!
    Love and Hugs πŸ’‹


  3. Ciao bella, you deserve happiness and of course freedom. Be yourself and be at peace,
    With love from Spagna πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ, baci 😘

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    1. Ciao bell’uomo grazie grazie πŸ’– I feel it’s been a very long time coming those two things now I wait for life to change dramatically start over see things through a new light peace restored πŸ˜€ need covid to end so I can do all the things I waited so long to do! Ti amo Spain πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ ❀

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      1. COVID will end, you will do all those things bella, you’ll see, we all will enjoy like we used to. You have a positive spirit, always be true to yourself. Baci bella, saluti dalla Spagna!

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      2. Grazie bell’uomo πŸ’– I waited many years and now covid I pray to do these things soon because life is mine again for the taking! I also want to stay out in the city all night long…walk along the beach at night barefoot in the sand …dance the night away ..and a fancy picnic with wine and cheese…ahhhh so many things to do! Go away covid Bella wants to dance πŸ’ƒ
        Tanti baci Spain tanti baci πŸ’‹πŸ’œ

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    1. Thanks love 😘 πŸ’œ my spirt will soar and fly higher then ever before ..life is never easy we all make mistakes life is about Forgiveness and love and living life to the fullest πŸ’œπŸ’–πŸ’‹


  4. Well dawn still has over an hour left to rise and you’d thing it was high noon in mid summer here already. Clearly all this glittering brightness is resonating out of your blueish-green emeralds shining like a brand spanking new star.

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    1. Awwww poet that took my breath away! Your words beautiful and honest and gentle πŸ’• thank you poet for making me smile! Endings start new beginnings and what I believe you want bad in life is worth taking its matter of how hard you fight what’s real and love forgiveness and honesty ❀

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      1. Pull hard on that break to stop and get off that looney ride to nowhere. Forget about Ruby slippers and put on your Pink pumps like superwoman and strut your gorgeous self into that comforting place where you belong. And- I find a glass of wine later somewhere to celebrate sweet freedom in your honor. πŸ˜‰

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks poet! πŸ’– although never dim i was hindered by chaos slowly I am being released to shine more then ever before…warm embracing light is what I need to erase the past and embrace life and make it mine once and for all!! πŸ’‹πŸ’–

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      1. Long term goals hmmm…many…id say more of a bucket list…I am already educated waiting for covid to end so I can build my business…I was in the process of building when I was stopped in my tracks πŸ‘£ thank you covid..bucket list against when covid is lifted.. salsa dancing πŸ’ƒ staying in a long cabin in PA, wineries always wanted to go but haven’t, fun lots of fun πŸ™ƒ something I haven’t had In years…just living brothers campfire …telling those I love I love them …blowing open closed doors..speaking loudly and clearly all intentions


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