The Power In Touch πŸ€—πŸ’–

There is something so healing in touch! Endorphins released and that beautiful natural high you get when you feel loved. Medically speaking we all know it heals the mind and body it is a natural painkiller and it is good for the heart and soul β™₯ its endless benefits are many and the opposite is harmful. Long time between touch can leave a heart empty and a mind in disarray! I came to a realization of how important touch is recently!

There is the touch of family when they hug you as in your children and grandchildren, parents and siblings that makes your heart rejoice and feel warm unlike any other! It’s that bond of love that is unconditional and rewarding as if to say, (we are always in this life together ❀ ) I know for me hugs from the above give such a warmth and comfort a feeling that is underscribable because it is that beautiful 😍 However, in that beauty there is still a human need and desire for a different touch one that only a spouse or significant other or lover can bring πŸ’œ For the first time in my adult life I miss the power of that touch! Going through a divorce I asked for has left me for quite awhile missing that touch. For me as I transition it has been a very long time (well what I consider long some may differ) its been months and I never realized the effects it could leave you with. I mean as a medical assistant and in the field for years I am aware of the affects on the mind and body but never experienced it myself…until now! It is not easy and I can admit the craving and desire to be snuggled again is overwhelming example… when you have a sweet tooth and are craving sugar but can’t have the sweets at that moment in time..leaves you hungry, maybe a bit agitated but more then likely its a craving that won’t disappear as it is waiting to be fulfilled πŸ’œ

My point of this is many times the way our moods are affected can come from some basic needs we take for granted. Unfortunately, you can be in a marriage or relationship and still feel this way so its not about being with someone per say its more about being with the RIGHT one! I also implore it can not be with just anyone it also has to be( well at least for me) have some meaning and depth behind it. Hugging and kissing and holding are important and now I realize how much I miss it! You can not stay with someone for this reason nor can you find this with just anyone BUT if you are lucky enough to have this with someone, my advice.. embrace it! Also, if your needs are not met and your with someone DONT settle…there is someone better suited whom would love and can bring the touch you so need! I have learned many things as I have gotten older ..I realize life is not promised and I realize don’t take things for granted or wish for more..while I myself will never settle I also realize the beauty in life and look forward to TOUCH again…this time with the RIGHT one! πŸ’–πŸ€—πŸ˜˜β€πŸ’‹

Author: glitzyritzymommy

Hi my name is nikki my nickname is sparkles. I am a glitzy fun loving mother of three wonderful children and a glammy mom-mom to three beautiful grandbabies. My life and heart are full! My daddy is still my world! My education is a certified medical assistant and i love the color pink my favorite holidays are Halloween, 4th of July, Christmas. I love God and life! These are the hardest years and the best years i just want to live life to the fullest! :)

44 thoughts on “The Power In Touch πŸ€—πŸ’–”

      1. So happy you are able to come back to the wonderful girl you have always been but had to suppress! Those days are over? Nice to be able to let your caring nature be on display and make choices guided by your big and tender heart! Unconditional love and caring are forever and don’t waiver and are never forgotten. So true and wonderful!!

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      2. Chuck I am always that girl believe me just have truckload on my plate and sorting it out…been through a lot the last 13 year and it seems to not get easier …thank you for the loving words…trust me that girl is still and always will be here she just has a hurting heart that needs healing ❀

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  1. OMG, Nikki!! This is such a super post on the subject!! Wonderfully done! Especially, for those that are in relationships that leave them hungry and thirsty for more, as you explicitly portrayed!! I can speak from personal experience too, it is not a sustainable relationship after awhile even when you wish you could hold it together!! You so adequately described the quote about the subject I like to use with Chocolate as a substitute – If you’ve never had chocolate you don’t miss it, but once you’ve had chocolate you miss it!!! Thanks so much for speaking to the issue and for those living in quiet desperation without touch and the emotional relationship they long for – see my She Hopes For More! This is a favorite topic of mine to write about???
    Be careful and safe and don’t do too much Whirlwinding, Love!!!!

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    1. Yes I totally understand this as well…and another good point is even if touch and affection is there if its not right the touch or affection it mine as well be non exist as well…so many layers and slices finding the right fit no matter what is important because life is too short πŸ™ƒ hugs πŸ€— πŸ’™

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      1. Yes so true, life is way too short to be anything but happy!! Yes, your other point is right on the money too, that was my situation with Ex#1. Certain people experience love and affection differently, for sure! You are so wise!

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      2. Thanks chuck came in not as hard as expected there where some tornados down by the shore that did some damage and of course power outages but i am grateful to have escaped all of the above πŸ™πŸ’– thanks for the nice comment ❀

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      3. Hey Chuck 😊 πŸ’œ nj on the rare occasion has hurricanes and tornados πŸŒͺ one swept through cape may the day of the tropical storm..there minor compared to my years in Florida but a storm is a storm no less …definitely pays to pray ….thank you πŸ’œπŸ’– crazy busy but hanging in there hope your okay 😊😘

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      4. Happy to know you and yours are ok!!! Tornados are no fun!! I’ve been through a couple of warnings!! Yes, it does pay to pray!!! Yes, Dear, I’m ok. I’ve adjusted to detox and an empty plate!! Ha! Sorry about you having to still Whirlwind. Hope you can chill tonight!!

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      5. Chuck the whirlwind is just starting as i got a second job..2 days a week 10 hrs on top of my clients and kids 😜 let the games begin lmao 🀣 but it feels good! Detox oh no I will be up and running again i am slowly trying to find time to post it will be kinda tough but cant have you detoxing 🀣🀣🀣 that’s painful
        Merloting at 630 pm…and counting lol

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      6. Sorry to hear you had to take a second job!! You make me so proud of you, Dearest! Not a bit surprised – You work hard for the money!!! I so appreciate you being concerned about me detoxing! I miss the addiction, SA!
        Thanks so much for caring, Love!! Stay safe – will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Nikki!!

        Chuck the whirlwind is just starting as i got a second job..2 days a week 10 hrs on top of my clients and kids 😜 let the games begin lmao 🀣 but it feels good! Detox oh no I will be up and running again i am slowly trying to find time to post it will be kinda tough but cant have you detoxing 🀣🀣🀣 that’s painful
        Merloting at 630 pm…and counting lol

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      7. My life is a whirlwind however no more tornados or volcanic eruptions just hurdles now…slowly but surely I come back to the girl I use to be πŸ’œ caring is in my blood especially for people who care deeply about me they are not forgotten!! Xoxo πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ€—

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  2. This so beautifully written and so heartfelt. I can feel every emotion and relate deeply. There is so much to say that applies to my own life and I still have the divorce ahead of me. Yeah I know, I haven’t really brought this subject here yet and it’s complicated and was very painful. The pain is subsiding as I have become numb and know that I did everything I could. Few would understand since this is going on for years and I’m slowly working my way towards a better life. Much love to you ❀️

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    1. Thank you for sharing beautiful 😍 I am sorry for what your are going through and will be here to help you and we can support each other…no matter who chooses to end things it doesn’t make it easy as divorce is a very painful choice even if it’s the right one! You will have a better life and you have a friend here who can relate and help you in any way I can! Where are you from beautiful? We can talk or text or email whatever way you would want β€πŸ’– here for you always much love to you beautiful 😍 😘

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      1. Thank you so much it truly means a lot. All is very complicated, but isn’t it always? It’s been many years coming so I had plenty of time to come terms. I’m not saying it makes it easier and in the end its just sad that all had to come this way. In reality we lived separate lives for years, and as I changed over the years I just can’t live the lie anymore and want more from life. I want to be more than a roommate, the other half who pays the bills, just being tolerated, without that touch.
        I currently still live in Nevada, but am considering going back to Germany which is my home country. Things are hectic at the time as I prepare for a better life, try to balance my sanity and deal with an autoimmune illness that doesn’t tolerate stress. But I’m lucky of not being alone and having support through this blog, you, and in person people. Thank you much for reaching out to me and for being there. You are such a beautiful soul. ❀️

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      2. I live in NJ I will give you my number via email over the weekend call me 😊 anytime πŸ’œ I feel for you and no you shouldn’t feel the way you do and you deserve better..we can discuss more in private….autoimmune disorders are horrible i have a sister who suffers from lupus…i am with you in trying to achieve a better life as I finally got my own place and will be working more..
        Life has just begun…my oldest is on his own and I have two teens close to adult hood therfore I am ready to live again!! And so should you! This isn’t my first rodeo with divorce my first husband and I spent 20 years together and he is my best buddy we do a lot together he has known me since 18 he knows everything about me and we still remain very close but it took years to get there…I got remarried even when my gut told me not too…he was pushing and I didn’t listen to my gut but that’s not for here …that relationships lasted 8 years…love is one thing being compatible is another…there are many layers to this mess and I had to move on because it wasn’t healthy ❀ your a beautiful soul too and you have a friend in me ❀ I think we definitely have a lot in common

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      3. I am sorry to hear of your sister having Lupus and I’m sending good vibes her way. I have rheumatoid arthritis and luckily I am doing much better pain wise and I’m currently managing. I still have joint stiffness and no two days are the same. I usually know in the morning what kind of day it will be, but the fatigue side affect is always something I have to fight.
        Unfortunately it’s not my first rodeo with divorce either and my first husband was a narcissist and physically and mentally abusive. I didn’t have to deal with this in my current marriage but lies and cheating is a total different kind of abuse. Luckily I don’t have to deal with it alone and I’m grateful for that. Starting tomorrow I will be out of town for a couple of days backpacking and recharging in Mother Nature. ❀️
        Thank you for all your kind words and your friendship. Big hugs

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      4. Wow sounds like we have a lot in common i am definitely no stranger to narcissistic men and control freaks we definitely can talk..😊 ia sorry to hear about your RA i was in a automobile accident that caused trauma to my brain and body thank God not my writing and creative side but I have some term affects and pain so I feel yours….they think accident triggered Fibromyalgia I am hoping that is not correct and it’s just the disks from being hit so hard…but I can handle some of that verses the long lasting post concussion crop I have! Anyway we definitely have a lot to chat about it…privately that is 😜 rest up and recoup and get in touch with me and I will be here if you need a ear especially since I get it πŸ˜‰ ❀ love hugs friendship and respect to u ❀ πŸ€—

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      5. Luckily I have left the narcissist behind many years ago but can still spot the tendencies a mile away.
        I am so sorry about your accident and a positive outlook can do wonders. I am prime example for it. We can talk more about it in private πŸ˜‰ and of course we are already in touch. Much love to you beautiful soul. I see and honor you. Namaste πŸ™πŸΌ

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