Moved Into My Own Place Today 😊

Among complete exhaustion barely sleeping or eating i have my own place!! While it may not be a castle it is my own! My own to decorate and live as I want!! Its been 8 years since I had a place to call my own and relax and today I have a place i call HOME!!

Thank you Rick loretta and Nicholas and mandy for making today possible I love you guys 💜 thank you April and Joe for helping as well with Harley 💜 I love you!! Thank you robbie for being there everyday on the phone I love you for all the support ❤

Stay tuned for pics 😉 my princess room will be just that pink frilly and lit up…may take awhile but promise to post…back to unpacking 😜

Wine and music and well here’s to a all-nighter 😌 🤭😘

Author: glitzyritzymommy

Hi my name is nikki my nickname is sparkles. I am a glitzy fun loving mother of three wonderful children and a glammy mom-mom to three beautiful grandbabies. My life and heart are full! My daddy is still my world! My education is a certified medical assistant and i love the color pink my favorite holidays are Halloween, 4th of July, Christmas. I love God and life! These are the hardest years and the best years i just want to live life to the fullest! :)

21 thoughts on “Moved Into My Own Place Today 😊”

    1. Thank you soooo very much Nilesh 💜 I always believe home should be a place of calm and safety not one of fear or hostility…a place to lie your head put your feet up and Rest your mind and body a safe place full of love!! 💖💜

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks love 😘 its a bit to get use too i had a house but shared it with my soon to be ex husband now i have a cute apartment that’s all my own…pink frilly 💎 like and sparkles sooooo fun finally me!!! ❤💜


  1. Congratulations, My Dear!! Long time coming and I’m so happy for You!! Wonderful that you had so many to help you. Moving is definitely no fun but made easier by having those who love and care for you there to help!!! So, a Pink Palace?? Ha! A least you are the Queen of the Castle!!! Hope you have a great celebration with merlot, music and cutting the rug!!! The light is starting to burn brighter for you at the end of the tunnel. Hoping the rest of your plans work out as well, Angel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for this beautiful comment ❤ oh my pink frilly ruffles pink palace it is..warm fireplace…sparkle and merlot everything as if glitter fell ✨ missed so much living this way to decorate as i want…although it isn’t a house which I am use too my place is cozy warm and far way too cuter 😍 screams sparkles and angel 😇 thanks chuck 💜 the future seems brighter at least tonight xoxo

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      1. So glad to hear you are happy!! It will get better every day! Nice to have all the choices isn’t it? Ha! Not having to answer or bend to another’s ideas of what is best for you!! Hope you have having a great weekend and merloting and having a good time!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, We will all look forward to seeing the Pink Castle!! I know it must feel like a ten ton weight has been lifted off you!! I can’t tell you how thrilled I am for you having the demons excised! Makes merloting even sweeter! Ha! Please be safe and careful out there, Love!! Still in my thoughts and prayers!

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