For He Is Risen! Rejoice And Be Glad! Happy Easter!

Today is a beautiful day, For he is risen! Today i reflect on the joyous day this is, and the meaning of what true love really is! True love is that man that died for our sins and rose again to open the gates of heaven! There is no love more pure then the love of the son of GOD!

Today, i can not be with my family, my father, my stepmother, My oldest son, his soon to be wife and my grandbabies, i can not be with my sisters, my brother, my nieces and nephews, and there significant others, nor my aunts or uncles. There is a sadness, however, my two children and i will still carry on a easter feast and eat together! We will video chat my oldest and his family. I will call the rest of my family! I will be thankful for today because i am alive and my family are alive and well!

Fellow bloggers i wish each and everyone of you a very Happy and Loving Easter. I thank God for all of you and the friendships i have made! Some of you have become some of my dearest friends and some i am growing closer too. I never knew i would find friends on here that would become such a big part of my life! Thank you to each and every one of you for the love and support you give to me! I truly love all of you! Happy Easter and lots of kisses!!

Author: glitzyritzymommy

Hi my name is nikki my nickname is sparkles. I am a glitzy fun loving mother of three wonderful children and a glammy mom-mom to three beautiful grandbabies. My life and heart are full! My daddy is still my world! My education is a certified medical assistant and i love the color pink my favorite holidays are Halloween, 4th of July, Christmas. I love God and life! These are the hardest years and the best years i just want to live life to the fullest! :)

54 thoughts on “For He Is Risen! Rejoice And Be Glad! Happy Easter!”

      1. Oh, so happy to hear that this rings an old and happy bell in your heart!! I’ve sent in a trademark application for your use only!! Not sure where this rates on the Melted my heart scale but good enough that I may wear it out on You – Sweet Angel Eyes!!!! Nice that it’s so true!! So, this was one of your favorite songs as a six year old???? Hey, I keep trying! Ha! You are too fun to tease!!!
        Baci baci
        Ti Amo – Angel Eyes
        xoxoxo 💋💋💖💖🌹😁

        Liked by 1 person

      2. A song I listen to as a teen when your heart breaks for someone..wait I am older and it still breaks oh my…sent you a response to what you wrote…it was a quick thought went with it see what you think just didnt think just wrote…if it works lets write this 😘❤
        Love angel eyes

        Liked by 1 person

      3. A teenager? Nah, your mirror tells a much better story. Who’s lying here???? Oh, I’m so excited now to see what you did with a quickie Nikki (Angel Eyes – it needed the rhyme) Flow!!! I will work it and send it back by tomorrow at the latest. Hopefully, I can get a quickie flow going too?? That would be nice! Here’s hoping, I trust the magic of your words!!!
        Dio, ti adoro
        Ti Amo occhi d’angelo
        xoxoxo 💋💋💖💖😘


      4. It wasnt on angel eyes although I can send something with that was on what you sent me..we have a lot of poems happening all at once oh my lol love it!!! Mirror okay melt my heart some more teenage dreams teenage love and lust need I say more…thank you for compliments I adore you

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Ok, teenage dreams, love and xxxx! Got it!! Back to 17??? I think you should start listening to your mirror!! I like you as a mushy mush who’s heart melts!! We are on a hot streak and we need to ride it for all it’s worth!!
        baci baci 💋💋😘
        Ti Amo – Angel Eyes 💖💖💖😁

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Will send and await your approval!! Don’t know about You, but I’m Loving that our Inbox is filling up, and things are moving toward posting. Hey, Still waiting on some suggestions for a book title???
        Ti Amo – Tesoro
        xoxoxo 💋💋💖😘

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Yes, Our book is a dream come true for me too, Love!! So excited about it. Might you want to contribute some – Baby Names? LOL! You have no idea what an honor it is to share this with You – a Poetess Extraordinaire and The Reluctant Poet! So blown away by your work and that you let my words play with yours!! Lifetime Gift – Angel Eyes!!
        il mio cuore ti ama e adoro, occhi di Angelo 💖💖😘
        baci baci 💋💋😘

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank You Sweet Nikki, for your warm and loving Easter wishes for the World and those of us who love and support you in the WP community!! Thank You for loving us – Love You back, even more for being in our hearts and lives!!! Your overwhelming love and tenderness is “What the World Needs Now” – More love like yours, Dear Angel!!!

    So, what’s on the menu for this “Feast”? Haven’t seen an Italian Feast? Sounds Yummy!! Are you going to take some photos of Your table before the starting gun goes off, smiling faces and a loaded table? Maybe a picture of you in your Pretty in Pink Easter dress and You blowing kisses to us all??? That would be a sweet Easter gift???
    Ringraziando Dio per la benedizione di te
    Ti Amo Nikki 💋💋💖💖😘🌹🌹

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awwww sweetheart ❤ thanks chuck! Today just the basics my Italian feasts I usually do on Christmas however today is a brown sugar glazed ham with mac and cheese made from scratch with velveeta and mashed potatoes and corn…that was simply enough since it’s just the two teens and I! Usually I do a lot more…blowing kisses and sending lots of love to you and everyone on here whom i love and adore xoxo😘

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, that sounds way yummy enough, especially when made by Your Loving Hands! Ha! Yeah, teens don’t appreciate these things until they get older and have to put on holiday dinners themselves. That’s when you start collecting your dividends – Thanks, Mom for making our holidays so loving and wonderful. I never knew how much you did and loved us until I started doing this myself!! You are the Best Mom – EVER!! May not be an exact quote but a paraphrase will be coming your way!!!!

        Thank you for the kisses you blew us! I caught all the ones that blew my way! Left a note, gm.
        possa sussurri d’amore riempre il tuo cuore, Angel Eyes
        Ti Amo Tesoro 💋💋💋💖💖😘😊

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, Parents get delayed recognition!! Thanks for the kisses!! I’m collecting Your favorite Nikki, nicknames! Ha! Hope your feast went well!! No Easter Parade Photo of You in your Pretty Pink Dress, ribbons and hat? Awww 😢😢 Was really happy with the last duet and got inspired to try something new. Got it done. Hate not being able to recite it/them!!! 😒😒😢 Might you want to see it? Let me know. Don’t want to intrude on Easter!
        zucchero filato e baci di cioccolato in abbandanzo 💋💋
        Ti Amo dolci occhi d’angelo 💋💖💖😘😘🌹

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Hey love making dinner as we speak will definitely get to emails soon! Busy day even if it is just cooking and a lot going on…promise like the kisses I blew to everyone I will catch up…❤😘 no parade photos unfortunately no parades 😥 happy easter love xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Sounds Yummy! I know how long and tedious putting a special meal can be, especially with all the other things going on!! I hope you have a Super Easter with the kids!! You can tell them, “Even though we are having to stay home we are Blessed to have each other to celebrate and make memories that You will look back on with fond memories of the 2020 Stay At Home – Easter!!! Worth a try! I am assuming and not going to even ask that it is just the three of you at home??
        You have the sweetest heart and soul, Dearest Nikki!!! You do your Daddy proud!!! Hope you had or will have a great conversation with Him!! I’m sure the Sun Rises and Sets on You, with him. I’m going to make a very easy guess that you are his Favorite, no matter how loud he proclaims “I love all my kids the same”. I know that you can take those “Dangerous Eyes” (Ohhh, I’m loving that as a title) and train them on him for about 7 seconds and then ask him if you are his favorite and get the truth!!! I can say with a certainty that you are the light of his life!!!
        Look forward to time, if possible!!

        le mie parole ti adorano quando le leggi
        Ti Amo – Sweet Angel Eyes
        xoxoxo 💋💋😘💖💖🌹


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